Friday, October 5, 2007

Shusuke Fuji

Fuji is a tennis player.He is also in Prince Of Tennis.He is so cool.He is in 3rd year now.

He favourite racquet is Prince.His blood type is B.He and Tezuka is very close.They grew up together.Tezuka was a freshmen before.

Catch up i would not be updating for a long time

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Kunimitsu Tezuka

Tezuka is a boy who also plays Tennis.Let's just say he is in Prince Of Tennis.He is the captain(mentioned many times)of seishun/seigaku.
He played against Keigo Atobe in the nationals.He won. By the way Tezuka is also in hana kimi (japanese version). you should watch it, it is like so damn nice.Oh yeah back to Prince Of Tennis.
He played against Ryoma Echizen.He won at first, but at last(in the last episode)Ryoma Echizen won. His signature move is Tezuka Zone and Tezuka Phantom.

Ok i think this is the end catch up on the next post Shusuke Fuji

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ryoma Echizen

Echizen is also a Tennis player.He is also in Prince Of Tennis. He is the new freshman in seishun/seigaku. He Played against Tezuka,his captain.At First he lost ,But if you saw the last episode he won.So you guys should watch it.He also played against the regulars,Fuji-senpai, Oishi-senpai,Kikumaru-senpai,kaido-senpai,takasan-senpai and last but not least Momoshiro senpai.His signature move is The Twist Serve Tornado,Drive A,Drive B,Drive C and Drive D

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sadaharu Inui

Inui is a boy who plays Tennis.He is in a show called Prince of Tennis.He plays Tennis not by techniques but by Data.He is in 3rd year now.Inui usaully practices against regulars.He played a game with the freashman, Echizen.He won, his score was 40-0(40=Inui)They are pretty good friends in the end.He also helped Echizen to train.They were happy training together.Inui tried to play agianst Tezuka,his captian. he almost won.He usaully plays as singles.